Grants & Fellowships

I have applied for and received several grants and fellowships during my Ph.D.

Fellowships & Scholarships

  • Dissertation Research Fellowship
    • Amount: $20,000.00
    • From: College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University

Research Funding

  • Summer Fellowship
    • Amount: $800.00
    • From: Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University
  • Grant-in-Aid of Doctoral Research Award
    • Amount: $975.00
    • From: College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University
  • SSRC Research Funding
    • Amount: $3,333.34
    • Role: Co-Investigator
    • From: Social Science Research Commons, Indiana University

Travel Funding

  • Provost’s Travel Award for Women in Science (2019)
    • Amount: $400
    • From: Indiana University
  • Department of Criminal Justice Travel Grant (2019)
    • Amount: $300
    • From: Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University
  • IU College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant (2018)
    • Amount: $350
    • From: IU College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University
  • Department of Criminal Justice Travel Grant (2018)
    • Amount: $600
    • From: Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University
  • Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Doctoral Fellowship (2018)
    • Amount: Conference and hotel costs
    • From: Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences
  • Department of Criminal Justice Travel Grant (2017)
    • Amount: $300
    • From: Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University

Total: $27,058.34